How do you find a good illustrator? - March 11, 2023

How do you find a good illustrator? - March 11, 2023


Finding an illustrator is not an easy task. You need to know what kind of artwork you would like to have for your children’s book. Digital? Watercolor? Pastel?... Realistic or cartoony?... Complicated or simple?... Then you need to find an artist. Where do you look? And how can you know if your artist is professional or not? There are a lot of websites and many scams. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen authors excited about an illustrator only to find out later that the artist copied designs and really wasn’t all that great. In this webinar, I’ll discuss everything you need to know to get started finding a great illustrator.

If you are interested in attending this webinar at a later date, please email and I will let you know when further times are planned. Thank you!

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