““This warm, engaging tale depicts what school should be for every child.” ”
This is a school
This past year due to the pandemic children all over the world learned to appreciate the importance of school. Why? Because school is more than just a place. It is more than just a building. Schools are important for children’s health and well-being.
The day my children went back to school for the first time after a long lockdown, I did a lot of reflecting. Although I did my best to work with teachers and homeschool my children the best I could, I know that my children couldn’t wait to go back to school. I knew that e-learning would be difficult, but from tummy aches to heartburn, I had never expected the toll that it would take on them. They not only missed their teachers, they missed their friends, and the routine and support that schools provide. When I came home from school, alone for the first time in months, I felt inspired to write another story. I sat down and wrote the beginning of a children’s book called School is MORE than a Building.
You can buy School is More Than a Building at your local bookstore or:
Now you can also buy the hardback book directly from my distributor IngramSpark for only $17.99! Just click on the link below for details.
Storybook Walk Editions
School is More Than a Building is now available in various formats. The Storybook Walk Edition - a DIY format which allows you to do an entire walk using only one book. The 11 x 17 Laminated Edition - a ready to use Storybook Walk version. Click on the images below for more info.
Now all storybook walk DIY editions are available in Spanish and German!
Use it in your school!
Kelley’s storytime video is like a virtual visit on Youtube. Kelley reads her story, explains a little bit about how her book was made and gives a short art lesson.
Or book Kelley to do a virtual visit along with a question and answer session.
It is a place where…
Here are the first few pages of the book…
My Creative Team
This book is a team effort. I have included teachers, principals, librarians, parents, and students in my creative process. On my Facebook Group called School is MORE than a Building, I share about my creative process - illustrations, texts, questions, etc.. - and ask for feedback and input. If you would like to join my team, please click on the link below:
“Back to School” Bulletin Board, Lesson Plans, and More
Many schools are heading back to in-person classes. Do you need a great bulletin board idea to welcome your children back? How about a bulleting board to the topic of School is More than a Building? For free lesson plans, bulleting board ideas, and activities, click the links below.
Share your stories
In addition, I am calling on you to send me your stories about why your schools are great. Does your school do special community events? Do you look at things from outside the box? Or, are you just a great team of educators who are doing your best to make sure that students have a positive place to learn? You can share your story to the I Love My School Showcase. Click on the link below to see how to submit your story or that of your students: