Posts tagged picture book
Secrets of a Children's Book Publisher: Part 2 - The High Cost of Book Reviews

I’ve been in the business of writing and illustrating books now for a few years and one of the areas which I find most frustrating is that of the editorial review.  You would think that a good book just naturally gets good reviews, but that is not how the industry works. Traditional publishers send off their books to review boards months before they are ever published and usually pay nothing to have them reviewed.  Self-publishers don’t have this possibility. They have to pay to have their books reviewed and this is not cheap.

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Children's Book about the Coronavirus - The Day the Lines Changed

The past two weeks, my children have asked a lot of questions about what the Coronavirus is, how it travels, where it came from, whether their grandparents will be okay, and why they can’t go to school. Sometimes their questions are really complex and I realize just how much their little brains are trying to wrap their heads around what is going on…

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